
Real Help for Addiction

Call our 24 hour Hotline


24-Hour treatment hotline

(951) 223-0459

Remarkably Effective Treatment for Addiction

A New Approach To Recovery

Our holistic treatment model enables our clients to quickly overcome addictive behavior patterns and begin to thrive in a healthy lifestyle of sobriety.

Brain-Health Technology

New Time Recovery uses FDA approved groundbreaking technology to virtually eliminate withdrawal symptoms, pump your natural endorphin levels and kickstart your recovery.

Enabling You to Triumph over Addiction

Unlock Your Full Potential. Start Living A Life You Love!

New Time Recovery combines Matrix therapy with personal training, focused nutrition, and advanced brain-health technology to dramatically accelerate the  recovery process and jumpstart your new life.

The Bridge is an FDA approved auricular nerve-stimulator that eliminates virtually all opioid withdrawal symptoms in a matter of minutes.

Every client works with a team of recovery specialists, including medical professionals, counselors, a personal trainer and healthy nutrition.

Nexalin therapy helps to reset the hypothalamus, balance brain chemistry and stimulate the brain’s ability to produce natural endorphins.

Our clients stay connected with an aftercare program that includes mentoring opportunities while providing community service referrals, sober living referrals and career aptitude testing.

Targeted Nutrition

Proper nutrition can help reverse the ravages of addiction and repair damage to organs and tissues, enabling both the brain and the body to heal from chronic substance abuse and increase your odds of getting and staying sober.

Personal Training

Exercise during recovery helps to reduce stress, improve outlook, increase energy levels and promote healthy sleep. Exercise will help you maintain a balanced body, mind, and spirit as you embark upon your journey of recovery.

Counseling and Therapy

Our therapists and counselors customize  treatment according to your specific needs to address underlying causes of addiction as well as psychological well-being, social relationships, and spiritual values.

Innovative Technology

Nexalin is a drug-free, FDA approved and
remarkably effective approach to
disorders such as anxiety, depression
addiction and insomnia. It is safe,
non-invasive and life-changing.

What Is Nexalin?
How Can It Help Me?

Nexalin therapy is truly groundbreaking technology that is revolutionizing treatment for addiction.

Nexalin is safe, FDA approved, and non-invasive
Nexalin uses a frequency and a new waveform technology to deliver a mild “undetectable” amount of energy to the brain – including the hypothalamus.
Heals the brain from trauma and chemical imbalance
Psychiatric mood disorders, such as anxiety, depression, drug addiction and insomnia, are the result of trauma in the deep structures of the mid-brain associated with neurochemical imbalances.
Stimulates the brain's ability to produce endorphins
Nexalin Therapy provides stimulation that effectively resets the hypothalamus and associated brain structures to adapt and alter the levels of neuropeptides, neurotransmitters, and neuromodulators critical to maintaining normal mood behavior and brain performance.
The many benefits of Nexalin treatment
A series of 40-minute Nexalin treatments can effectively stabilize mood, regulate blood pressure, enhance the ability to focus mentally and promote a higher level of energy with a marked reduction in fatigue.
Long lasting results
Nexalin therapy can be life-changing. Five years after treatment, the many benefits of Nexalin therapy remain undiminished.

Call our 24 Hour Hotline

(951) 223-0459

Don’t wait for the problem to get worse. Call us today and get the help you need to get your life back.

We've Been There

The story of addiction is often one of tragedy, but it can also be one of triumph and empowerment.

Addiction is not a death sentence. We’re here to help you emerge from the dark, destructive cycle of addiction to live a full and more satisfying life.

Millions of people in recovery are living a rewarding and full life beyond anything they could have imagined in their addiction. We know. We’ve been there.


“People who truly care and  go out of their way to make sure you get the recovery you need and want.”

“This place saved my life, and now I have a life. I honestly don’t know where I’d be today if not for my awesome recovery team. I love each and every one of you!”

“Accountability and self worth for inspiration. Coaching and love inspired by these professionals.”

Find Your Balance. Integrate Your Mind, Body And Soul. Get Your Life Back.

New Time Recovery provides holistic solutions for the people we serve. Our program follows the Matrix Model, where we tailor the treatment program to your individual needs.

You’ll benefit from individual counseling and therapy sessions, group therapy, and field trips. You will have your own personal trainer, enjoy nutritious meals, and you will have the option to experience the many benefits of Nexalin Treatment. Psycho-educational, process, family educational, and co-occurring disorder groups will enable you to address the underlying issues of your addiction and provide viable tools to ensure your success.

Your personalized recovery specialist team will work with you on current and past psychological, addiction, and relationship issues as you learn how to live and maintain a healthy sober lifestyle.

Don't Struggle Any Longer. Join Us And Get Your Life Back Today!