Optimized Nutrition
Healthy Meal PrepTargeted nutrition with vital nutrients for recovery
Nutrition and Recovery
Using drugs or alcohol can interfere with the normal processes of the body, leading to nutritional deficits. For instance, heavy drinkers can consume up to 50 percent of their necessary calories from alcohol alone. Also, the presence of alcohol in the body prevents the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Other problems, such as not eating enough or eating too much, are also common. New Time Recovery promotes focused nutrition that helps the body flush away all the toxins left behind by the substance of abuse. Plus, it improves physical health and strengthens a person’s will to continue living a sober life.
Research also shows that poor nutrition causes problems with blood sugar levels. This is evident in cravings for sugar, caffeine, or nicotine or the drug of choice. Balancing blood sugar levels can help an addict avoid these cravings and prevent relapse.

Nutrition and Recovery
Using drugs or alcohol can interfere with the normal processes of the body, leading to nutritional deficits. For instance, heavy drinkers can consume up to 50 percent of their necessary calories from alcohol alone. Also, the presence of alcohol in the body prevents the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Other problems, such as not eating enough or eating too much, are also common.New Time Recovery promotes focused nutrition that helps the body flush away all the toxins left behind by the substance of abuse. Plus, it improves physical health and strengthens a person’s will to continue living a sober life.

Research also shows that poor nutrition causes problems with blood sugar levels. This is evident in cravings for sugar, caffeine, or nicotine or the drug of choice. Balancing blood sugar levels can help an addict avoid these cravings and prevent relapse.

Healthy Meal Prep
Vital Nutrients for Recovery
Healthy eating habits are important for everyone, but especially so for those recovering from an addiction. Most people who suffer from alcohol or drug addiction have a prolonged history of poor nutritional habits. At New Time Recovery you will learn to enjoy delicious meals that are nutritionally focused to reverse the effects of a lifestyle of poor nutrition.
How Substance Abuse Disrupts Nutrition
Alcohol Abuse
Chronic alcohol consumption deprives the body of an important vitamin called thiamine. Every tissue in the body uses thiamine, including tissues in the brain, heart, liver and kidneys. Without the vitamin, the tissues can’t function properly.
Low thiamine levels increase the risk of heart disease and heart failure. The brain also suffers. People with thiamine deficiency are more likely to experience dementia and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. The syndrome is associated with incoordination, vision problems, confusion and memory loss.
Chronic alcohol use also increases the risk of metabolic syndrome, which is associated with high blood sugar, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and too much body fat. Metabolic syndrome increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease.
Opioid Abuse
Opioids slow the way the body functions, making people who take them feel sleepy. The drugs also slow digestion and metabolism. That means the body isn’t able to efficiently process nutrients from food. The most recognizable side effect of disrupted digestion is constipation.
Withdrawal from opioid use can disrupt a meal plan. People often feel nauseated, vomit and have diarrhea during withdrawal. These symptoms can prevent food and water consumption at a time when the body needs fuel.
Dramatic weight loss is the primary concern for people who chronically use stimulants, such as cocaine, methamphetamine and prescription ADHD medications. Stimulant users are more likely to develop eating disorders, such as anorexia.
People who go on cocaine or crystal meth benders may go days without eating or sleeping. When the bender ends, they’re starving and often binge eat. These dramatic consumption habits increase the risk of malnutrition.
Additionally, crystal meth users often have problems with oral hygiene. They may be less likely or unable to consume solid foods because of missing teeth or pain while chewing.